IOC Seeking New Steward for Olympic Boxing for 2028 Los Angeles Olympics
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is actively seeking a new steward for Olympic boxing, aiming to ensure its continuation at the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. This search has been prompted by the IOC's decision to remove the International Boxing Association (IBA) from overseeing the sport at both the Tokyo 2021 Olympics and the forthcoming Paris Games. The move was solidified by a ruling from the Court of Arbitration for Sport, which upheld the IOC's decision to de-recognize IBA, largely due to governance concerns, including issues related to the organization's Russian leadership and accusations of using threatening language.

IOC's Quest for a New Boxing Partner

The IOC has made clear its desire to maintain boxing as an Olympic sport, citing its "universality and high social inclusivity." However, to achieve this goal for the Los Angeles 2028 Games and beyond, it acknowledges the need to collaborate with a "recognized and reliable International Federation," a standard it holds for all Olympic sports. This has triggered a search for a new governing body that can meet the IOC's criteria by early 2025, a timeline that underscores the urgency of the situation.

World Boxing: A New Hope

Emerging amidst these challenges is World Boxing, a nascent faction comprising members from 27 countries. World Boxing has begun organizing tournaments and is determined to preserve Olympic boxing's stature. Their efforts represent a direct response to the vacuum left by the IBA's ouster, positioning themselves as a viable candidate to gain the IOC's endorsement.

IBA's Reaction and Future Actions

In light of the Court of Arbitration for Sport's ruling, the IBA is considering an appeal to the Swiss supreme court. The association has vocalized its discontent, arguing that its recent efforts at reform and improvement were evidently ignored or undervalued. This stance suggests a belief within the IBA that there exists a prejudiced perspective against them, disregarding advancements they've made in governance and the sport's integrity.

Stakeholder Quotations

The IOC emphasized the importance of boxing in the Olympic program, noting the sport's wide appeal and inclusivity. "Unfortunately, this is far from certain for the Olympic Games LA 2028 because, for governance reasons, the IOC is not in a position to organize another Olympic boxing tournament," the IOC expressed, highlighting the critical need for a new, reliable partner. Echoing the urgency, World Boxing urged stakeholders to recognize the pressing timeline. "This is an urgent situation and the clock is ticking," they noted, calling for unity and support to ensure boxing's future within the Olympic movement. Conversely, the IBA's response pointed to a sense of disregard for their efforts, suggesting a biased view against them. "The IBA feels that disregarding these and other improvements suggests a biased view," they stated, indicating their dissatisfaction with the IOC's decision and the potential overlooking of their reformative actions.


The IOC's move to find a new governing body for Olympic boxing underlines the critical juncture at which the sport finds itself ahead of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. With World Boxing rising as a potential new partner for the IOC, the future of Olympic boxing hinges on the establishment of a governance model that aligns with the values and expectations of the Olympic Movement. Meanwhile, the IBA's contemplation of an appeal against the Court of Arbitration for Sport's decision introduces an element of uncertainty. It highlights the complex landscape of international sports governance, where reform, recognition, and the quest for inclusion in the Olympic program are interwoven. As the situation unfolds, stakeholders across the globe, from athletes and coaches to federations and fans, await a resolution that ensures boxing continues to thrive as an integral part of the Olympic tradition. The coming years will be crucial in determining whether boxing can maintain its Olympic legacy or if it will face unprecedented challenges in its bid for inclusion in the world's premier sporting event.